Here, I will tell two short tales in tandem.
I advise reading one at a time, and then returning to the top.
Each tale has its own music.
I advise reading one at a time, and then returning to the top.
Each tale has its own music.
Frost lowered their camera, stunned by what they had seen.
Princess drove her fist into her palm, filled with indignant fury.

I cannot
believe this!
That has to be the first 540 twist in the history of this skatepark!
Ike, you're gonna be a legend! Did you know I have a crush on you?
That has to be the first 540 twist in the history of this skatepark!
Ike, you're gonna be a legend! Did you know I have a crush on you?
They seriously took the train without us while we were trapped!
What a bunch of lousy sociopaths! I, agh, I ought to beat them senseless!
They seriously took the train without us while we were trapped!
What a bunch of lousy sociopaths! I, agh, I ought to beat them senseless!

Well, yeah,
We're, like, dating. I'd be kinda sad if you didn't like me like that.
Ah, I'm so happy I landed it! You saw that. You saw how hard I worked.
We're, like, dating. I'd be kinda sad if you didn't like me like that.
Ah, I'm so happy I landed it! You saw that. You saw how hard I worked.
Oh man, Cae is gonna freak out when he sees this.
Wait. Better yet, let's show Rimas! She used to be a legend!
Well, she still is, but she stopped skating. But she knows her stuff!
Wait. Better yet, let's show Rimas! She used to be a legend!
Well, she still is, but she stopped skating. But she knows her stuff!
Yeah, she's ancient and stuff. She was, like, there, you know?
Like I think she predates the invention of the skateboard.
She got like fossilized skateboards in her basement.
Like I think she predates the invention of the skateboard.
She got like fossilized skateboards in her basement.
Oh man, if we said that in front of her she would FREAK!
Or maybe she'd just laugh really hard. I dunno.
She's a bit unpredictable!
Or maybe she'd just laugh really hard. I dunno.
She's a bit unpredictable!
Hey, hey, you getting this pose? It's hard to balance like this.
Snap a pic so we can send it to the newspaper with the vid.
This is front page material right here. Check it.
Snap a pic so we can send it to the newspaper with the vid.
This is front page material right here. Check it.
Hahaha! Ike, come on now!
They can't put a video in the newspaper!
They can't put a video in the newspaper!
What about those internet newspapers?
Those can have videos, like, embedded and whatever, right?
Those can have videos, like, embedded and whatever, right?
Oh right, web news. Does Tolikra have a local news site?
We could probably just e-mail them with this vid.
I'll ask Cae, I bet he knows whoever runs it! He knows everyone!
We could probably just e-mail them with this vid.
I'll ask Cae, I bet he knows whoever runs it! He knows everyone!
But there's no sense dwelling on it, right? We're better off for it.
Can you imagine if we'd learned about this side of them on the trip?
But there's no sense dwelling on it, right? We're better off for it.
Can you imagine if we'd learned about this side of them on the trip?
Ugh... Yeah, I guess you have a point. We can salvage the day at least.
Now I can swing by the bookstore to check on the month's sales.
Ms. Nolie really helped me out with that printing press of hers.
Now I can swing by the bookstore to check on the month's sales.
Ms. Nolie really helped me out with that printing press of hers.
... You mean Rimas?
Give the lady some respect! That's Ms. Nolie to us.
She's a grown woman and a business owner. She's a "Mizz".
She's a grown woman and a business owner. She's a "Mizz".
I thought she was unmarried... Wouldn't it be... Miss?
That entire system of categorizing women based on marital status...
It's antiquated and patriarchal, so I reject it. As should you.
It's antiquated and patriarchal, so I reject it. As should you.
I'd kinda like being referred to as Miss...
Thinking about it makes me feel desirable.
Thinking about it makes me feel desirable.
You're literally so desirable sis.

Cae probably knows the Emperor I bet.
You saw how much news coverage that court case over his leg got.
You saw how much news coverage that court case over his leg got.
If Cae knows the Emperor, I doubt they're friends!
He was at the trial, though. Mask on like always, but he was there.
What do you think the Emperor looks like under the mask?
Wouldn't it be funny as fuck if he was a raccoon like you?
Why would that be funny? I think it'd be nice if he were one.
Because y'all are too goofy.
I'm going to blush!
Can reptiles even blush?
Call me cute again, let's find out.
You wanna go to the cafe after we stop by the bookstore?
It's right next door, not much of a detour.
It's right next door, not much of a detour.
Sure, I could go for some cafe vibes.
... Cafe vibes?
You cannot deny the vibes in that place are comfy.
... Yeah, I guess so.

Lively all of a sudden...
Excuse me, sir, are you Doctor Aldwyn?
Excuse me, sir, are you Doctor Aldwyn?
Who may I ask is speaking?
The man who was addressing Jutse is a man any Adenian Citizen, including him, would recognize.